
Sunday, June 5, 2011

2011 Sabbatical

By the grace of God, with the support of the wonderful people of Capitol Hill Presbyterian Church, and through the generosity of the Lily Endowment, I am on a sabbatical for the summer of 2011.  My family and I will be doing some traveling to some great destinations that will hopefully offer time and space for reflection and renewal to all of us.   I'll be in and out of DC between trips so if I happen to see you on the sidewalks of Capitol Hill it's OK to speak and visit.  Otherwise, I'll try to keep you up to date via this blog on our whereabouts and some of my thoughts and reflections.  For each segment of the sabbatical I'll create a separate page accessed by the menu on the left sidebar.   

The sabbatical begins at Ghost Ranch, NM, decompressing and letting the idea of what's ahead for the summer sink in. Later in June, Peg and I will spend a week in California at Tassajara and Asilomar retreat centers.  Then in July we're off to London for three days before fulfilling a longtime dream of contemplative days on the isle of Iona, Scotland.  In late July and early August, Peg and I will actually be able to take a couple of long weekends regionally.  Then in mid-August our entire family looks forward to lazy days on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica.  I'll wrap it all up with my traditional week at Montreat, NC, with my dear and long time friends from seminary days.  And before you know it, Labor Day is here and I'll be back - but not too soon!
At CHPC,  things are in capable hands with Rev. Juli Wilson-Black as our Temporary Supply.  I know you can look forward to some imaginative and thoughtful worship and preaching.  The Session has a Congregational Care plan in hand for pastoral needs that may arise and I'm sure our super staff will function in a way that you'll hardly know I'm absent. 

I especially encourage you to participate in the two seminar weekends with John Thatamanil and Walter Brueggemann.  These are amazing opportunities for our congregation and community to interact with world renowned scholars.  All the information you need, including registration forms for both events, is on our CHPC website.

Of course I would be remiss not to give thanks and gratitude for the generous grant we received from Lily Endowment that makes all of this possible.  I hesitate to mention individuals because so many  have done so much to make this seemingly impossible adventure a reality, so I simply say thank you to all for all that you do and continue to do for our congregation, our community, and the world in the name and Spirit of Christ.

Blessings and Peace to All, 