
Wednesday, March 9, 2016


How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing!  ~ Jesus, Luke 13:34

One evening while enjoying still another beautiful Florida sunset during that magical 30-40 minute time after the sun actually sets, the sky filled with breath taking color as if the sky was aflame. Then I turned around.

While I had been watching the western sky burn brilliantly the easter sky had become an envelope of pink and lavender hues that not only painted the sky and water, but also surrounded and caressed everything it touched, including me.  The air was literally filled with color - all around!

I think this may have been what Jesus was saying to the people of Jerusalem and to us in describing God's Presence as a mother hen gathering her brood.  

God, the One Eternal Presence is always around us, holding us, inviting us to snuggle.  Sometimes we know this without doubt.  Other times we may need to turn around in order to know that God is all around us, like the color of a sunset filling the air.

Our Lenten Pilgrimage of Prepositions continues...

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