
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Sacramental Potential

"Do this in remembrance of me."  ~ Jesus

Forty-eight years ago today, August 31, was the last full day of my father's life. Tomorrow, September 1, is the anniversary of his death.  Since those days in 1968, these dates have never gone unnoticed nor unfelt in my life. I have told the stories many times in conversations, sermons, and writings. Today, as a memory of him, I share a piece I wrote several years ago. You can find it here.

Thomas Raymond Walton
December 24,1909 - September 1, 1968


  1. Peace be with you in your memories. Know that there are a lot of us who "get it", who can truly relate to all you have expressed. The pain, the laughter, the images are as real today as they were for all of our last suppers. Hugs!

  2. Andy my memory is so bad I can hardly remember my name but seems like your dad taught Sunday school at DFBC when I was just a kid. If so, what age did he usually teach?
