I’ve just finished reading a fascinating book, “The Book On The Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are” by Alan Watts.
One metaphor Watts presents is that ultimate reality is a game of hide
and seek in which God hides from God’s Self.
He says this is necessary because there is nothing outside of God from
which to hide. So God pretends to be the
created universe, including Humanity. The way God finds God’s Self is when we
realize that we are God pretending to be someone else.
On first read this sounds rather blasphemous, but when placed beside
some biblical imagery it does become quite intriguing. Jesus tells his disciples, “I am in my Father,
and you in me, and I in you.” (John 14:20) “The glory that you have given me I
have given them, so thatthey may be one, as we are one, I in them and you in me, that they may become
completely one…” (John 17:23). The Apostle
Paul says to a group of people in Athens, “…God is not far from each of
us. For in God we live, and move, and
have our being…” (Acts 17:27-28), which in itself is a quote of a Greek
philosopher, perhaps Epimenides.
I’m not trying to prove anything here, just playfully entertaining that
we are in a game of hide and seek with God in which we are all “It.”
Another thing that comes to mind is the popular song from a few years
ago, “What If God Was One Of Us?”
Tag, you’re It!
It is enlightening to know that God is an infinite spirit who indwells the universe to answer our wishes and we cannot hide from Him, He knows where all of us "its" are. I want to bring peace to the world, but I have a slow mind and it has taken me a long time to develop to where God can use me to do this. I am reaching out through the blogesphere with my new blog http://worldholycenter.wordpress.com/ which is linked to www.worldholycenter.com and affiliate of serpentmessisah.com Peace and health Mark Karns